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Te valoramos a ti y a tu privacidad, así que Envíanos un correo electrónicocon el interés de su pedido y le enviaremos una factura con una opción de pago fácil.




Esta terapia de cannabinoides (0.5 oz) se hizo con aceite de cáñamo de espectro completo probado y compatible (derivado de la flor de cáñamo) combinado con aceite de coco orgánico.  Hay 350 mg de aceite de cáñamo por botella. 


El certificado de análisis se puede encontraraquí

(4) 350mg Cannabinoid Therapy

SKU: 350x4
  • You get these quality products and your purchase SUPPORTS V for Victory Organization.


    There products are offered to you as a direct source of clean quality hemp oil our Licensed GMP Facility. We know you have heard about this product all over the internet and at stores but do not know if it is good quality or from good source so here you have a solid source that can provide you on a regular basis. 


    Email us with your order interest and we will get an invoice to you with an easy payment option.


    Know, you are helping others with your purchase!!!

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